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Search results

  1. M

    Sending to multiple email addresses with Microsoft 365

    This is the new workflow with pasted text that works. https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/mapping/IjU3NjUwNTZkMDYzNjA0M2Q1MjZkNTUzZDUxMzUi_pc
  2. M

    Sending to multiple email addresses with Microsoft 365

    Just removing the double quotes does not fix the problem. I set up a new workflow and started over and text only works fine. Once I set up the html option and try to include a result from Microsoft 365 it fails even if I remove the double quotes. It will not take the results of the replace text...
  3. M

    Sending to multiple email addresses with Microsoft 365

    I understand what you did and it fixed the issue but I have other workflows that send emails to one recipient with double quotes in the body field and they work fine. I also tried with just plain text before I opened a ticket and it failed with the same error. Thanks you for your help with this.
  4. M

    Sending to multiple email addresses with Microsoft 365

    I cloned a workflow so that I could have Microsoft 365 send to multiple email recipients. When I run a test with all the fields required filled out properly I receive an error response and no emails are sent. I have attached a screenshot.
  5. M

    New email keeps sending every 10 minutes

    I have set up a trigger for M365 to act on a new email with certain filtering rules. It then sends the email to a different email address through M365. The task keeps running every 10 minutes even though the email has already been processed. How do I get it to run only once on the new message...
  6. M

    New Ticket forcing you to put in a ticket number

    Great! That seems to have fixed it.
  7. M

    New Ticket forcing you to put in a ticket number

    When I try to set up a task that creates a new ticket in SyncroMSP I have to add a ticket number which is required to run the task. How do I change it so it will create a new ticket using the next available ticket number. If I have to put in a ticket number then the workflow would only work one...