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Search results

  1. benyoung01

    Klaviyo add subscriber to list from outcome of quiz - error

    Hi mate, So tried setting up the table in two ways but like below. This way I had the value set to the klavyio list ID - which I also made the 'outcome tag' in the quiz builder. I thought that then when the result is delivered it is the list ID - but it didnt seem to work. Then I tried making...
  2. benyoung01

    Klaviyo add subscriber to list from outcome of quiz - error

    Ok mate thank you - so shall I set up 3 things within the look up table that are the same for each of the lists? or do I set up x3 look up tables with different values in them?
  3. benyoung01

    Klaviyo add subscriber to list from outcome of quiz - error

    And what should I leave the 'outcome tags' as within the quiz builder please - the id of the list or the name? Sorry I dont totally understand it!
  4. benyoung01

    Klaviyo add subscriber to list from outcome of quiz - error

    Ah thank you so much!! I think I understand. I see you have done this within my account for me? I just dont quite understand how to set the table up for the 3 options of the klavyio lists. If you have access to my account would you mind adding those other list options in for me please? Thank you...
  5. benyoung01

    Klaviyo add subscriber to list from outcome of quiz - error

    hi guys, Im trying to submit a new subscriber to a list in klaviyo based upon the outcome of a quiz. We have 3 outcomes of the quiz which matches to 3 lists within Klaviyo. All I am capturing / hooking from the form is the users first name, email address & outcome of the quiz. I have mapped...