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Klaviyo add subscriber to list from outcome of quiz - error


hi guys,

Im trying to submit a new subscriber to a list in klaviyo based upon the outcome of a quiz.

We have 3 outcomes of the quiz which matches to 3 lists within Klaviyo.

All I am capturing / hooking from the form is the users first name, email address & outcome of the quiz.

I have mapped the fields (email & first name) and when pabbly connect asks for which email list I want matched against it I use the quiz outcome tag that is a dropdown option in pabbly --> I have made this quiz outcome tag = Klavyio list ID and have also tried klaviyo list name, i.e 'fitness newsletter'

I have removed double opt in for now for simplicity as well.

Keep getting the same error returned - attached to the bottom of this message.

Any thoughts or help would be massively appreciated!!

Thanks so much!


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Hey @benyoung01

It seems like you have to pass the List id on the List fields where you cannot pass the name of the list, also you need to make sure that list is presented in your Klaviyo.


Like -


Though if you need to pass the list name to their corresponding List id you have to use the Lookup Table Action step.


For a better understanding of the Lookup table action step, you can refer to our tutorial video -

Kindly try this at your end and I hope this might help you out.



Ah thank you so much!! I think I understand. I see you have done this within my account for me? I just dont quite understand how to set the table up for the 3 options of the klavyio lists. If you have access to my account would you mind adding those other list options in for me please? Thank you so so much, been struggling with this for a couple of days now!


And what should I leave the 'outcome tags' as within the quiz builder please - the id of the list or the name? Sorry I dont totally understand it!


Ok mate thank you - so shall I set up 3 things within the look up table that are the same for each of the lists?
or do I set up x3 look up tables with different values in them?


Hi mate,

So tried setting up the table in two ways but like below.

This way I had the value set to the klavyio list ID - which I also made the 'outcome tag' in the quiz builder. I thought that then when the result is delivered it is the list ID - but it didnt seem to work.

Then I tried making the value in the table the list name. But this didnt work either.

Do I need the list ID & the list name in the table for each list? So there will be 6 labels with 3 values being list IDs and 3 values being the list name?

I feel like this is going to be the solution I just cant wrap my head around the logic of this table.

Thanks so so much!

Screenshot 2021-11-11 at 14.59.18.png


Hey @benyoung01

We looked into your workflow and it seems like you have already mentioned the List name with its respective List ID in the Lookup Table action step. The workflow is set up fine.

You can test it now and let us know if you find any issues.

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