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Search results

  1. theliduk

    Text Splitter Issue

    The above is text, and I need to get the result only as "International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education 2024" as the output. Meaning I want only the first line of all the texts to be the caption. I tried \n, but no luck in text splitter.
  2. theliduk

    Instagram Story Error

    Hi, Am trying to create an Instagram Story for every post in my Instagram Business account. But when I do so, am getting a error as follows: It is almost trimming the URL which is causing this issue. Workflow: IjU3NjYwNTZkMDYzNjA0M2Q1MjY0NTUzNTUxMzMi_pc
  3. theliduk

    Plutio - Contract creation Error

    Yes, I can see it is now working if we remove the Issue date. Thanks for making that as a non-mandatory field.
  4. theliduk

    Plutio - Contract creation Error

    What should I do?
  5. theliduk

    Avoiding Backslash

    Hi Arshil, I want to change from "Your 4\* review on" to "Your 4* review on" in the message. Advise me on how to do it for now. Or, shall I copy just copy the symbol in the previous thread and use it? Kindly advise.
  6. theliduk

    Avoiding Backslash

    Done. Check it out and let me know when it is fixed.
  7. theliduk

    Avoiding Backslash

    Hi, I recently noted that the backslash symbol is appearing in the Google myBusiness Replies like the below one: How can I change it to "Your 5* Review"
  8. theliduk

    Pabbly + Plutio - Send Contracts

    Hi Team, I have created a Contract Based on Template in Plutio. The steps until creating contract is working. But after that I am unable to send the contract through automation. It is in draft. And if I use the change status, it is changing only to Signed or Pending. It is not triggering the...
  9. theliduk

    Field Mapping - Double Connection

    But can we get 2 actions in the same workflow?
  10. theliduk

    Field Mapping - Double Connection

    Not sure if the title is correct also! I always come with different problems—apologies about it. I have TicketTailor flow to Sertifier now. In TicketTailor, there are over 100 events happening listed. Unfortunately, in their API order.created the venue of the event is not sent to Pabbly. Other...
  11. theliduk

    Gravity Forms + Crove + SMTP

    Thanks. Is it is possible to send via SMTP or Amazon AWS credentials?
  12. theliduk

    Gravity Forms + Crove + SMTP

    Hi Team, I wish a Gravity Form data to be sent to Crove, and from there I wish to generate a PDF file and the same to be sent to the email. Is there a workflow or video instruction to help me?
  13. theliduk

    Google My Business Reviews - Reviews are replacing old ones

    Hi Team, Whenever a new review is posted on my business, only 1 review is constantly replaced with new names. Is there something I missed?