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API (Pabbly) Zoho Books OAuth Redirect URI


Hi Team

Zoho Books integration in Pabbly doesn't support Journal creation, update, etc. I am trying to do it through API Calls.

As a first step, I need to setup OAuth as mentioned here https://www.zoho.com/books/api/v3/oauth/#overview

The challenge I am facing is that I also need to specify a "Authorized Redirect URIs" as part of generating necessary keys and tokens. Kindly guide what I should be entering in this field.



Staff member
Hi @sunstorm,

Please try executing the endpoint using the 'Zoho Books: Custom API Request' action event. It will automatically handle the authorization, allowing you to execute the endpoint.

If you are looking to create a custom application, you can reach out to our integrations team at the provided email address.
[email protected]


Hi Arshil

Thank you so much for the necessary guidance. I tried this out but I am now getting error "Allowed domains: [books.]." It is pointing me to a thread which I went to but didn't find it relevant at all to this.
Pabbly Zoho Books Custom API Allowed Domains error.png

Please guide on how to resolve this and proceed forward.


Staff member
Please share the cURL command of the endpoint you are attempting to execute. Also, share the Workflow URL where you attempted to execute the endpoint.


Hi Team

For starters, I am trying to execute a simple GET journal API. Its cURL is below. Its API doc can be found here https://www.zoho.com/books/api/v3/journals/#get-journal-list

curl --request GET \
--url 'https://www.zohoapis.com/books/v3/journals?organization_id=10234695' \
--header 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.41d9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc2d1.8fccxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx125f'

Please check step 14 of this workflow link: https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/mapping/IjU3NjYwNTZlMDYzZTA0MzA1MjZmNTUzNjUxMzci_pc


Staff member
Thank you for sharing this information. Please allow us some time to look into this concern. We will get back to you with an update soon.