Below are the details of the email from Pabbly. Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong or send me some documentation on how to fix this issue? Thank you in advance.
This email is to notify you that for the workflow "test keap to shipstation" , a recent task was not executed due to following error -
This email is to notify you that for the workflow "test keap to shipstation" , a recent task was not executed due to following error -
Step Name: ShipStation > Create Order
Connection Name: KRANK
Task Error Detail:
"Message": "The request is invalid.",
"ModelState > apiOrder > 0": "Error converting value \"{ \"orderNumber\": \"70685\", \"orderDate\": \"2024-04-20T18:56:56Z\", \"paymentDate\": \"\", \"orderStatus\": \"awaiting_shipment\", \"customerUsername\": \"invoice\", \"customerEmail\": \"invoice\", \"billTo\": { \"name\": \"invoice\", \"company\": null, \"street1\": null, \"street2\": null, \"city\": null, \"state\": null, \"postalCode\": null, \"country\": null, \"phone\": null }, \"shipTo\": { \"name\": \"invoice\", \"company\": \"\", \"street1\": \"invoice\", \"street2\": \"\", \"city\": \"invoice\", \"state\": \"\", \"postalCode\": \"\", \"country\": \"invoice\", \"phone\": \"\" }, \"items\": [ { \"sku\": \"\", \"name\": \"\", \"imageUrl\": \"\", \"quantity\": invoice, \"unitPrice\": invoice } ], \"amountPaid\": invoice, \"taxAmount\": 0, \"shippingAmount\": 0, \"customerNotes\": \"\", \"internalNotes\": \"\", \"gift\": true, \"giftMessage\": \"\", \"requestedShippingService\": \"\", \"advancedOptions\": { \"storeId\": 194073 }}\" to type \u0027SS.OpenApi.Models.Orders.Order\u0027. Path \u0027\u0027, line 1, position 1219."