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Date Formatter


Hi Pabbly Team,

I encounter an issue in my workflow in Date Formatter Section.(Workflow name: Transport Operator Permit Reminder)

When using "Filter" to calculate the number of days between given two dates, Filter function gives result only if the date is in MM/DD/YYYY format and if it is in DD/MM/YYYY format, it doesn't do the calculation.

Can you please throw some light on this?



Hi Pabbly Team,

Any update regarding my query about Date Formatter issue?

When using "Filter" to calculate the number of days between given two dates, Filter function gives result only if the date is in MM/DD/YYYY format and if it is in DD/MM/YYYY format, it doesn't fetch the result.

Can you help me to resolve the issue?

My workflow name: Transport Operator Permit Reminder



Hey @akgshanmuga

It's an excel format issue and the" DD/MM/YYYY" doesn't work with the excel formula, Try to use the date in "MM/DD/YYYY" or in "YYYY/MM/DD" format which is ISO date format. We are simply using the formula provided by the spreadsheet plugins and it seems that this format of date is not compatible with it.

As a reference, you can check out the following blog here - https://www.lifewire.com/entering-dates-with-the-date-function-3123948
