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forward blog posts to FB page only when they are being published

Hi there,
I have a blog with the option to schedule posts. I.e. I can set the date when a post shall be published. The blog also has an rss feed. Can I connect the blog to a FB page in the way that it only forwards the post to FB once they are published? When I simply set Pabbly to look for new posts it picks them up from the rss feed regardless of their publication date. In effect all future posts appear instantly once they're saved in the blog. Can I filter this by current date? If so, how do I have to setup the filter?


Staff member
Are you getting the date at which the post will be published in RSS data? If so, then you can add a delay step just before the Facebook Page action step.

How did you do that? I mean: how can I find that "result" if I want to replicate this workflow for another page? And is the date that appears in that "result" condition relative, i.o.w. will it work for future posts as well? (I hope the question is clear, I don't know how to put it exactly...)


Staff member
We simply use the post publishing date to pause the workflow execution until that post publishing date is reached.

Once that post publishing date comes, the next step of publishing over the Facebook Page is done automatically.

Now from next time whole of the automation will work automatically, when we recived any new RSS feed data. It will check for the post publishing date and corresponding will post about your new blog over Facebook page.


From the workflow history section, you will be able to see the automation execution which will be happen in real.
I need your help again...it still doesn't work. I have written a blog post called "Testmeldung" which was published today at 16:05 (just 14 min ago) and it doesn't show up. Am I too impatient?


Staff member
I need your help again...it still doesn't work. I have written a blog post called "Testmeldung" which was published today at 16:05 (just 14 min ago) and it doesn't show up. Am I too impatient?
We check for the new data in RSS feed trigger every 8 hrs as written here. So you need to wait for a while before it appear in workflow history -

Hey ;-) I have now signed up for a monthly standard plan (just to try out more and better). Can the frequency be upated to 1 hr as you mentioned? Also I am struggling with the image in the post which doesn't get transmitted to fb yet. Do you have an idea why?
Edit: okay, I managed to add the required og:tag to the blog. A different issue remains: my summary content gets wrapped in a <p></p> tag when I use the element "content". There is another one named "contentSnippet" which does not have that p tag. However, this seems to not include the image.
How can I get both the summary without the p tag AND the blog post image, now that I've managed to add the og:tag.
Last edited:


Staff member
Hey ;-) I have now signed up for a monthly standard plan (just to try out more and better). Can the frequency be upated to 1 hr as you mentioned?
This has been updated. The trigger will now run every 1 hr for both of your workflows.

Regarding your other questions, we will be updating you shortly.


Hey @frieauffcom

A different issue remains: my summary content gets wrapped in a <p></p> tag when I use the element "content". There is another one named "contentSnippet" which does not have that p tag. However, this seems to not include the image.
How can I get both the summary without the p tag AND the blog post image, now that I've managed to add the og:tag.

You can use the Text Formatter action step to remove the <p></p> tag from your message content. Please check out the following screenshot for your better understanding.
