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Jotform API - POST submission to a form


I'm trying to create a workflow to prefill a Jotform.
I'm using the Pabbly API app with Jotform API Documentation and everything works well to authenticate with my API key and GET a form data.

But when it comes to POST a submission to this form, I can't figure out how to use the curl given by Jotform's API documentation :
curl -X POST -d "submission[1]=answer of Question 1" -d "submission[2_first]=First Name" -d "submission[2_last]=Last Name" "https://api.jotform.com/form/{formID}/submissions?apiKey={apiKey}"

How to use this in the URL endpoint field ?
Do I have to put some of these data in another Pabbly API field ?

The best result I could get so far is posting a submission with empty data.

- Pabbly test workflow : https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/share/XBQENl4ZBGVUHgZsBU5UN11KCglVHwdRUzQAEg##
(I've replaced my Jotform API key by {apiKey} for security reason)
- Jotform test form : https://form.jotform.com/212793517092055
- Jotform API documentation : https://api.jotform.com/docs/

Thank for reading me.


Hey @Nacarano

We have looked into your API action step of Jotform and the endpoint URL you have used in the 2nd step doesn't seem correct as we couldn't find it in their API.

Although we have tried the same at our end with their given endpoint URL and it is working fine. Kindly try the following URL with a new action event to make an API call of Get.

Also, we checked their API documentation to post a submission(4th step) but they haven't mentioned much and didn't guide properly on it, you need to contact Jotform's support for proper guidance.

Moreover, you can check the API calls here in the shared workflow which we have tried - https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/share/WxNVZwRDB2YCSAFrVDFRMFpOAisDSVQCVzAAEg##

Referred API - https://api.jotform.com/docs/#post-form-id-submissions


Checked API call to post a submission on Postman-

Hey @Supreme Verma,

Thank you for the quick response. I'll contact Jotform's support.

We have looked into your API action step of Jotform and the endpoint URL you have used in the 2nd step doesn't seem correct as we couldn't find it in their API.
FYI, here's the reason about the 2nd endpoint URL I use to authenticate :

Capture d'écran du 2021-10-08 10.07.45 (1) (1).jpg

I will update the thread when I get more informations.


Hey @Nacarano

Kindly allow us some time to look over the reason. Seems it's associated with data server or GDPR restrictions.
