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Mapping values to columns not returned in response

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I am working with quickbooks online and I am trying to create a flow that inserts a new order into an excel sheet.
When mapping things like the address information, sometimes the address information is saved in the addressline1- addressline5 columns and sometimes they are recorded in the addressline1-2 and address city, state and postal code fields.
When creating a flow, how do I map the columns that aren't returned with the record I am working with?
Other examples would be ship date, tracking number. These columns are not returned in the record if they don' t have a value.

"ship_address_line2" is not an option to select for mapping for this recordset because there is no data returned with it, but other records might. How do I tell Column_T field to get it value from ship_address_line2 column ?


Staff member
Hi @Tammy,

I am assuming you have already mapped the data from the invoice, where the address appears in the fields addressline1 to addressline5.

In the 'Get an Invoice' action step (Step 5), you can now fetch an invoice that has the address in the 'ship_address_line2' field and map it to the MS Excel action step.

During automation, if the fetched invoice has the address filled in addressline1 to addressline5, it will be passed to their respective fields. If the address is in 'ship_address_line2', it will be passed to its respective field, in whichever column you have mapped it.


Hi, thanks for the quick reply.
I have not been able to map the addressline2 through addressline5 because the data I have been working with has only returned the other address columns so far. That is the reason for my question, is there a way to manually add these "variables". Like in power automate, if the column doesn't appear to select you can still manually call it by it's name like: "body('Invoice['shipadressline2']"


Staff member
No, that's currently not possible. You can try fetching another invoice that has address lines 2 to 5 and map that address to the MS Excel action step.


To clarify, this means I would need to create a record that had data in all the columns in order to have them appear for mapping purposes, correct?
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