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how can I send MULTIPLE GET requests to Opensea and get data back to my google sheet? I see there is an API module but I´m not sure how to use it...
More specifically, I have a list of URLs (GET requests) in my google sheet and I want to refresh data from Opensea every hour
The Get requests are in the form of "https://api.opensea.io/api/v2/events/accounts/{address}"

this is the work-flow:

- https://api.opensea.io/api/v2/events/accounts/{address1}
- https://api.opensea.io/api/v2/events/accounts/{address2}
- https://api.opensea.io/api/v2/events/accounts/{address3}


Hope it makes sense



Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @Matteo Orlandi

For your API request, we suggest utilizing the API by the Pabbly action step. This step enables you to execute any API method from your chosen application within your Pabbly Connect workflow.

Hello Supreme!
thanks for this, I´ve reviewed the information from the video and been able to build a workflow which works well for one single API request.
I have a google sheet with hundreds of URLs. Every few hours I need to run a loop sending all the GET requests one by one . The URLs are in colum A of my Google sheet, starting from A1 up to A100 (100 as an example). The number of URLs changes everytime, so the next time I run the workflow I can have either more or less than 100 URLs. I use a "schedule by Pabbly" module to run the workflow every hour, but then I need a counter to take in consideration the total number of URLs, which, as I previously mentioned, is a dynamic number.
So now the big question is how to create the loop to hadle all of this
Here the work flow:
1. Schedule by Pabbly -> run the workflow every hour
2. Loop -> use a counter to track the worflow and check the total number of URLs in column A
3. API request -> send each GET request one by one (ideally with 2 seconds delay in between each other) increasing the counter of 1 digit for every GET request and up to the last request
4. continue with the rest of the workflow

hope it makes sense


Well-known member
Staff member
Yes I’m stuck. What can I use as a counter for my loop?
Please share the workflow URL, and record a brief video showing where you encounter issues.

To make Iteration easier, consider using the "Counter" action. This keeps track of how many times the loop has run and can automatically start over when it reaches a set number.

