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Quickbooks Find a customer


Your Task History ID
Zelle Payments Notifications api in my account.
I am trying to run a solution to email parsar a name and find a QuickBooks customer with something other than the email. looking over the quickbooks api info i see i can use
I would like to run a filter that finds a customer using a name using the contains function with these above data sets.
I tried running the api get function in the endpoint url using

in the data set but i'm getting a validation error.

Quickbooks request
GET /v3/company/913xxxxxxxxxxxxx/query?query=select * from Customer Where FullyQualifiedName > 'Megan'&minorversion=70

Content type:text/plain
Production Base URL:https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com
Sandbox Base URL:https://sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com

seems to be working on their end.

is there something i am missing?


Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @Metro

Could you kindly provide the URL for the workflow and grant permission to search for the customer within your QuickBooks inside your workflow?


Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @Metro

Kindly check the following screenshot setting up the query to get the customer details.

image (1).png