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[SHOPIFY] unable to add multiple images for existing product



I am trying to add and additional image to an existing product in my shopify store. So I have tried with a test workflow to see how it goes. As suggested I fetched the images using get product images and got the image id. Now in the update product action, I mapped the above image id in [Images ID to retain] and added my new image public url in [New image source url] action. But i don't see any changes in the product page.

But if i don't enter anything in the [Images ID to retain] action, and I give multiple urls in the new image source, the images are getting added.

Am not sure where am missing out


This is how I had mapped. Please let me know where am I missing?



Hey @lohith

The file URL which you are passing is not publicly accessible and does not have a proper image extension to it as mentioned in the help text.



@Supreme there's an error in the url you have entered. I have mentioned the url below for your reference. There's a space in the file id you have typed above.

Seems like Shopify is unable to recognize the Google Docs Image while updating the product.

So, we would recommend you to use the "Imgur : Upload Image" action step to change the proper format of the image which you want to pass.
