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Woocomerce to Knorish



I've created an integration for woocommerce to knorish for multiple courses. but there is an error in this integration.


1. Whenever any user initiates checkout but the payment is failed even then the user gets access to the course.
2. Whenever any user initiates checkout and the payment is successful then the user gets access to all the published courses.
3. Whenever any user initiates checkout but the payment is failed even then the user gets access to all the published course.

How to fix this issue.
Last edited:


Earlier i had used the Trigger Event as order created. And then Updated to order processing. I've to create automation for multiple Courses


Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @saket

To process the workflow for a specific trigger event you can make use of the Filter or Router action step which will only process the workflow when the user has paid to you.
