I have successfully used Gmail many times before, but I have a workflow where everything is successful except this last step:
Task History ID -
This is trying to use a Google Business Email address, not a free Gmail account. I tried updating the connection which said successful, and even updated it incognito. Everything seems fine but then it won't send. I am nowhere near 100 emails a day, just 1 or 2 on this workflow and don't use Gmail on other workflows so I would not be anywhere close to that I don't think. Any suggestions?
Task History ID -
This is trying to use a Google Business Email address, not a free Gmail account. I tried updating the connection which said successful, and even updated it incognito. Everything seems fine but then it won't send. I am nowhere near 100 emails a day, just 1 or 2 on this workflow and don't use Gmail on other workflows so I would not be anywhere close to that I don't think. Any suggestions?