I am getting this error literally every week:
{"message":"Unauthenticated.","OAuthException":{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The refresh token is invalid.","hint":"Token has been revoked","message":"The refresh token is invalid.","ErrorTip":"Try creating a new connection to resolve the OAuthException error. Learn more: https:\/\/\/threads\/how-to-solve-oauthexception-error.18724\/"}}
I am creating new connection as soon as I get this message, then again the next week the connection breaks and I have to create new connection again. I need a permanent fix for this. Please help.
{"message":"Unauthenticated.","OAuthException":{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The refresh token is invalid.","hint":"Token has been revoked","message":"The refresh token is invalid.","ErrorTip":"Try creating a new connection to resolve the OAuthException error. Learn more: https:\/\/\/threads\/how-to-solve-oauthexception-error.18724\/"}}
I am creating new connection as soon as I get this message, then again the next week the connection breaks and I have to create new connection again. I need a permanent fix for this. Please help.