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Issue with WooCommerce Abandoned Cart and WhatsApp Integration


We are writing to report an issue we've encountered with the integration between WooCommerce and WhatsApp via Pabbly Connect, specifically regarding the handling of abandoned carts.

We have noticed that some orders, which successfully reach the "processing" stage in WooCommerce, are still being flagged as abandoned. This misclassification is triggering our abandoned cart notifications on WhatsApp, which should not be the case for these particular orders.

Could you please assist us in resolving this issue? It is crucial for our operation to ensure that only genuinely abandoned carts trigger the WhatsApp notifications, to avoid confusion and enhance customer experience.

Here is the link to the flow which has been demonstrated on youtube : https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow...IUGsBFQAEAFYCcVNKAT0HBAV_BksDeA1YDj0JVwcvBGU#

We would appreciate any guidance on how to adjust our settings or if there is a need for an update or fix on your end. Please let us know if you need any more details or if there is a preferred method to handle this type of issue.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,



Hey @bvolts

In your workflow, you can include a filter action step to exclude other order statuses from WooCommerce. This ensures that messages are only sent to customers with a completed or successful order, according to your requirements.




Hi @Supreme,

Thanks for getting back!

Following up on our previous correspondence regarding the integration issues between WooCommerce and WhatsApp, we would like to clarify the scenarios under which we encounter what we define as an "abandoned cart," and seek your guidance on setting up filters accordingly.

We have identified two primary cases of abandoned carts:

1. **Pending Payment Abandonment:** The customer adds items to the cart and initiates the checkout process. WooCommerce then creates an order with the status "Pending Payment," but if the customer does not complete the payment it will be automatically changed to "Failed" status and be captured as abandonment.

2. **Pre-Payment Abandonment:** The customer enters their details (like email and address) but abandons the cart before proceeding to the payment options. In this scenario, WooCommerce does not create an order.

Our main challenge in addressing these scenarios is that the "Abandoned Cart" trigger in Pabbly Connect does not include the "Status" of the order in the responses received.

Screenshot 2024-08-13 201553.png

We need assistance in setting up these two scenarios effectively. Our goal is to ensure that our WhatsApp notifications for abandoned carts are triggered accurately.

Could you please provide detailed guidance or instructions on how we can configure our Pabbly Connect workflows or filters If there are any specific settings or conditions we should apply, please advise.

Thank you for your continued support and assistance. We look forward to resolving this issue promptly.


Our main challenge in addressing these scenarios is that the "Abandoned Cart" trigger in Pabbly Connect does not include the "Status" of the order in the responses received.
To identify the status of the order in these scenarios, you can use the "Retrieve an Order" action step in Pabbly Connect. This step will allow you to pull detailed information about the order, including its status, helping you differentiate between "Pending Payment" and other types of abandoned carts. By incorporating this into your workflow, you can set up more precise filters to manage and respond to these abandonment cases effectively.


Thank you for your guidance on utilizing the "Retrieve an Order" action step in Pabbly Connect. It has indeed been instrumental in refining our workflow. I wanted to share a recent success we've achieved, which might be beneficial for the community.

Following your advice, we enhanced our abandoned cart notifications by incorporating precise order status retrieval, which has significantly improved our ability to target customers based on their interaction history and order status.

Order Status Dynamics in WooCommerce:

  • WooCommerce initially creates orders for customers at checkout under the "Pending" status.
  • This status changes to "Processing" if the payment was successful.
  • If the payment fails, the status changes to "Failed," which we now effectively track as an abandonment.
  • Additionally, WooCommerce will not create any order if the customer enters their contact information but does not initiate payment, which we also consider an abandonment.
Phases Defined (with Animal-Themed Names) :

  • First Phase - The Wanderer (Turtle): The customer has no account. They enter their contact information during their shopping experience and leave checkout without completing the purchase, and no payment is initiated, so no order is created.
  • Second Phase - The Repeater (Salmon): The customer has an account and previous orders. They re-enter their contact information and leave checkout without completing the purchase, and again, no payment is initiated, so no new order is created.
  • Third Phase - The Challenger (Honey Badger): The customer has an account and previous orders. This time, when they re-enter their contact information and leave checkout without completing the purchase, they initiate payment, but it is not successful, so WooCommerce creates an order under the "failed" status.
Enhanced Workflow Steps:

  1. Capture Abandoned Cart Request: We capture the abandoned cart request as the starting point of our workflow.
  2. Retrieve Detailed Order Information: Using the "Retrieve an Order by Email" action step, we pull detailed information about each order, including its status, which helps us precisely identify the phase each customer is in.
  3. Advanced Logic for Order Handling: We apply combined AND and OR logical conditions based on the retrieved order details to accurately categorize and respond to each customer scenario.
  4. Targeted Notifications: We send targeted WhatsApp messages for abandoned carts, ensuring that the messages are relevant to the customer’s specific situation, based on the precise order status information.

Solution Steps:

  1. Capture Abandoned Cart Request: We started by capturing the abandoned cart request to initiate the workflow.
  2. Check for Previous Orders: Using the customer's email, we checked for any previous orders. If no previous orders were found (order ID is empty), the customer was identified as being in the Turtle of their buying journey.
  3. Advanced Logic for Order Handling:For customers with an existing order ID:
    • We calculated the time elapsed since the last order by subtracting the order creation date from the current date.
    • We applied combined AND and OR logical conditions to determine the customer's phase:
      • If the elapsed time since the last order was less than one day and the order status was not 'processing', the customer was categorized in the Honey Badger.
      • If the elapsed time was more than one day, regardless of the order status, we categorized the customer in the Salmon.

Outcome: This approach has greatly enhanced our engagement with customers at different stages of their purchase journey, improving our abandoned cart recovery efforts significantly.

Sharing with the Community: We believe that sharing this detailed workflow could assist other Pabbly users facing similar challenges. It demonstrates the powerful customization capabilities of Pabbly Connect and encourages users to explore advanced logic in their automation workflows.

Here is a link to the workflow we have created: Pabbly Connect Workflow

We hope this contribution is valuable to the community, and we are open to any discussions or further collaborations on enhancing workflow.

Thank you once again for your invaluable advice.
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Thanks for sharing the update I hope the approach with the phases worked accordingly.