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Number formatter timeout error

Your Task History ID

I'm having an issue with a number formatter step suddenly not working due to a timeout error.

I have a number formatter performing a spreadsheet formula:

mid('2. Result : _status_history","value":{"1695228089":"pending","1695228105":"on-hold","1695234540":"completed"',find("%",substitute('2. Result : _status_history","value":{"1695228089":"pending","1695228105":"on-hold","1695234540":"completed"',char(34),"%",(len(SUBSTITUTE('2. Result : _status_history","value":{"1695228089":"pending","1695228105":"on-hold","1695234540":"completed"',char(34),' '))-len(trim(SUBSTITUTE('2. Result : _status_history","value":{"1695228089":"pending","1695228105":"on-hold","1695234540":"completed"',char(34),' '))))-4))+1,10)

This formula extracts the last 10 digit time stamp from a string. Until recently it was performing as expected but in the last day it has stopped working and reports the following error:

Response not received in 25 seconds.
Learn more: https://forum.pabbly.com/threads/pa...rror-response-not-received-in-25-seconds.855/

after tinkering with it i sometimes get an http 500 error as well.

I have other steps that are performing similar operations but just this one does not work. I have tried to refresh the data and reestablish the variables but to no affect.

Any advice on what may be the issue?

Thank you!
okay i will try that but this issue occurs also when just doing a test request and save. additionally, if i change the variables to static text it does the same?


but this issue occurs also when just doing a test request and save. additionally, if i change the variables to static text it does the same?
What is the step number of the number formatter you are using in your workflow? Also, please try using the Delay action step before the Number formatter action step.

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