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Pabbly Subs and Pabbly Connect integration get error?

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Hello Pabbly

Recently im connected Pabbly Subscription and Pabbly Connect

Im Using webhook, all go smoothly, then i found why i couldnt get the first name and last name from 2nd,3rd payments data with pabbly connect?

Please check this video

View attachment 2283
If you can see, the multiple name come out on the sales report which actually im using different name for register in another transaction

If you doing checkout with different name in every transaction, the data name is still the same with the first transaction

For my case, im using pabbly connect to collect data name from 'payment success' report,
It work flawlessly for the first time,

but i couldnt collect the customer name in the 2nd transaction, 3rd, 4th, etc from the checkout page

so if customer fill the wrong name in the first time,it cant be changed

so how to fix this?

and why i cant find delete button the Customers in customer page?
am i missing something?


Hey @jer3

We looked into your concern and tried the same at our end, which is working perfectly fine. Also, we checked your history it is capturing the correct data from PSB.

So, it seems like you need to clear your cache memory, usually, this type of issue occurs when the cache memory is overloaded.

Kindly clear the Cache memory and try again and if the issue still persists please let us know.



Hey @jer3

We looked into your concern and tried the same at our end, which is working perfectly fine. Also, we checked your history it is capturing the correct data from PSB.

So, it seems like you need to clear your cache memory, usually, this type of issue occurs when the cache memory is overloaded.

Kindly clear the Cache memory and try again and if the issue still persists please let us know.

Ok i will try to clear cache memory.

Could you have to update API acadle soon? As i want to launch new products, i must make sure i can add groups data to Acadle

This is really important because without this i cannot sell separated item and must do update manually



Hey @jer3
Could you have to update API acadle soon? As i want to launch new products, i must make sure i can add groups data to Acadle

This is really important because without this i cannot sell separated item and must do update manually

Please allow us some time to check the possibility of it. We will get back to you with an update shortly.



Hey @jer3

We checked the API documentation of Acadle and we have successfully added the endpoints to "Add groups" and "Remove groups to the user" as per your requirement. Please check it out -

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