I hope you are great.
I am making some tests to my website with the Test Gateway. Everything was working smoothly but then it stopped working.
The first step (the normal purchase) before the upsell/downsell funnel is working correctly, on the next step (with my upsell) is when I had this issue, after trying to buy the upsell I receive an error (Token is Required) and I am not able to proceed with the upsell. If I decide to continue to the downsell step the same happens.
Can you please let me know how to fix that bug?
I hope you are great.
I am making some tests to my website with the Test Gateway. Everything was working smoothly but then it stopped working.
The first step (the normal purchase) before the upsell/downsell funnel is working correctly, on the next step (with my upsell) is when I had this issue, after trying to buy the upsell I receive an error (Token is Required) and I am not able to proceed with the upsell. If I decide to continue to the downsell step the same happens.
Can you please let me know how to fix that bug?