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updating a field without lose data


I'm using Pabbly Connect to integrate with Pabbly Subscription Billing.

I'm receiving from webhook a specific information that I need add in the customer profile, in this field:

Data Shipping Address Attention

I used the native PSB action and it works with Update Customer Detail event.

But the problem is: it's adding the webhook information in this field but it also replace the old content.

How can I first check the current informations on this field, and after that I update adding the new webhook content.

Example: Check Data Shipping Address Attention field, if it has a name inside, example:


And my webhook have a new data with another name, example:


How to just add Rafael and not erase the previous informations, update the customer profile with:

Rodrigo Rafael

Same if I need remove information of this field, let's say that I have these names inside:

Rodrigo Rafael Pedro José

And I need remove just the name: Rafael

How to update this field to be just: Rodrigo Pedro José

Thank you


Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @rodrigo

In terms of updating the same data from the trigger response and searching the customer's details, you can then map the data to add the incoming name and existing data.
