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Using Pabbly filter to filter product name but it is not working properly

Your Task History ID
Please check the workflow url and task ID.

Filter is supposed to filter among four product names but when of the product names it should filter, it is showing false.


  • snap4.png
    23.6 KB · Views: 75
Hi, I checked the workflow and couldn't find changes, can you tell me what you have changed. I will learn something new here. thanks.
Hi, it is still not working. Check -
Task History ID -




Well-known member
Staff member
Please manually type the name in the value field because it seems like you might have copy paste the name in the fields which could have contains a div hidden.

So, please try passing the names manually.
I have now typed the names and passed them. I hope it should not work. I will ping you again tomorrow if it is not working.
I was thinking, should we do. "contains" instead of "equal to"?