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WhatsApp Automation until a Specific date (Webinar, lead capture on FunnelKIT optin + Data send to Google Sheet + Whatsapp instant msg sent)


Hi Team/Anyone who can answer

I have instant whatsapp msg set up for Live webinar, but I am confused how to set up delay, I know how to do that, Let me explain whats the issue in it.
Here is the process... Webinar is on Lets say on 27 DEC, (4PM). Today is 20th Dec. Okay, so if i use delay like in HRs and send notification in 48 hrs so I want to understand lets say A is singing just 24 Hrs before webinar, but as per 48rs delay Second notification will sent after the webinar, and as per my understanding Automation will keep sending email as per delay.
Lets take Live Eg (27 DEC, (4PM))- 48 delay 1st notification 48 hrs delay second notification... webinar day 1 hr left (Time specific automation), Webinar Is live (Time Specif).
Webinar is on 27 Dec 4pm, now A sing up on 20th dec good for him both 48 hrs delay will be good for him, but someone B is came in on 26th DEC so as per 48 hrs delay automation will send whatsapp notification for B person on 28 DEC not relevent at all again on 30 DEC, not relevent, how to tell automation if date is missing don't send now... Hope you understand what I mean, Expert Advice needed urgently.


Hey @zaheer1001

Could you please be specific about the Delay action step are you using Delay Until action step or Delay?

Also, do share the name of the workflow along with the tasks history Id in which you have seen the pattern.


I know how to do that, Let me explain whats the issue in it.
Here is the process... Webinar is on Lets say on 27 DEC, (4PM). Today is 20th Dec. Okay, so if i use delay like in HRs and

Hey @zaheer1001

Could you please be specific about the Delay action step are you using Delay Until action step or Delay?

Also, do share the name of the workflow along with the tasks history Id in which you have seen the pattern.
I have to give delay for webinar reminder notification to send Whatsapp Templet, (Like certain days to go, 3 days to go 1 days to go... and just before webinar starts 15 min before) what issue i can face I mentioned in above query hope you got it. and I am getting leads from optin form landing page. (FunnelKIT Woofunnle)

Automation workflow name is - Live Webinar Funnel Lead to Google Sheet + Whatsapp Automation
Workflow history ID - Task ID - IjU3NjcwNTY5MDYzNzA0MzE1MjZhNTUzNzUxMzE1MTZiNTQzMiI_3D_pc


I have to give delay for webinar reminder notification to send Whatsapp Templet, (Like certain days to go, 3 days to go 1 days to go... and just before webinar starts 15 min before) what issue i can face I mentioned in above query hope you got it. and I am getting leads from optin form landing page. (FunnelKIT Woofunnle)
Regarding your concerning use case, we would recommend you refer to the following video tutorial.

(Watch the second part of the video)


Thank you for sharing this video, I am able to do delay and sent whatsapp msg, but I am able to activate time based. Like webinar is 31 Dec 2022 4PM, so on that date based I need to run WA msg automation, I saw another video to do this found date formatter is used to changed date and -1 (A day before Meeting a msg is sent whats what I want), but my webinar date is coming optin form, and I have put extactly the right date formate there, I have shown in attachment. So what is the solution for that when I am already getting right format in webhook data transfer, let me if date fromatter substract/add is right option, but date is the issue , totally lost or suggest me if any other way.


  • date formatter Date issue.png
    date formatter Date issue.png
    63.8 KB · Views: 84
  • optin page.png
    optin page.png
    95.1 KB · Views: 85


Hey @zaheer1001

If you are getting the date time in UTC format in the trigger response then you can simply ignore the Time Formatter action step to change the timezone Before the Delay Until action step.


Yeah, that's what i did but it not giving me and option trigger msg before 3 days, 2 days, 1 one day, how to set this up, I already mentioned that I am able to run delayed automation, but delayed automation as per date of webinar. Hope I am clear that I am not asking how to delay but delay as per perticular date. an only delay section is not showing or I am not able to do, how to set up 1 day before 2 days like that.


Kinldy look at the attachment... showing delay until date and date is selected, what how to trigger msg 1 day before.


  • delay automation not showing if can send msg before time date.png
    delay automation not showing if can send msg before time date.png
    51.7 KB · Views: 87


Hey @zaheer1001

To send set the date time in the Delay until 1 day before then kindly use the "Add/Subtract Time" action step first then pass the converted time in the Delay Until.

Ensure that the DateTime is in the UTC format.



I exactly used the same things shown in images, but why my reslut is diffrent, Can you plzzz suggest the best why it happned. See the attchment for review.


  • DatetimeFormatter Used Set UP 1 day before.png
    DatetimeFormatter Used Set UP 1 day before.png
    49.2 KB · Views: 87


Hey @zaheer1001

Please pass the correct expression on the "Add/Subtract Time" action step as mentioned in the help text and then try again.



Thanks for this information, it worked, however I set delay as per time, but I notice that when form is summited all all whatsapp delayed are being fired, including Instant msg. I think it required conditional too to stop this, what you do suggest how. make this fire as instructed. Plzz help me very important. Thanks for bringing me til here it is a big success to me just because of your help...


Hi @Supreme, Finally I found one video, wherer after Date/time formatter Router is used, and I created the same formation, everything is working fine, like Time is getting substracted from Webinar date, then used router where used condition then delayed time is used then WA msg... all the data is is coming correctly top to down... but even WorkFlow ID showes Delay is 5 min from before... but not firing not sending WA msg... I don't know what's wrong only last sept is not working however last WA msg test is success in test and save last step is firing. Now it seems some Teach Glich earlier I was making mistake and using wrong things... It was -5 minute TEST Plzz have a look attachments. How i did and FlowID is ---
Task ID -




  • Whatsapp Automation Flow ID.png
    Whatsapp Automation Flow ID.png
    132.9 KB · Views: 86
  • Time date in Webinar Optin From.png
    Time date in Webinar Optin From.png
    82.8 KB · Views: 79
  • Router Delay is Successful... .png
    Router Delay is Successful... .png
    67.7 KB · Views: 77


If you are getting the date time in UTC format in the trigger response then you can simply ignore the Time Formatter action step to change the timezone Before the Delay Until action step.
As we have already stated that you need to pass the DateTime in the UTC format but as we can see form your workflow you are still passing the datetime in the IST format.

Please convert the time with the "Format Date with TimeZone" action step.



Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Finally I got the result I wanted to. Thanks.
Now Time to Upgrade Pabbly, One Question... I got 500 Leads in a week for webinar, one lead is consuming almost 10 Task, I wan to understand how it works, in lay man understanding I see 1 lead 10 task consumed, 500 leads in a week - 5000 Task Consumed, correct? so I will need min 20k Task every month to run weekly weebinar. But let me little logical...

let's say there are 6 days automation is set up, but the person who will enter very first day I think for him 10 taks will be consumed, and a person who enterns into the funnle he will only gets last 3 Notification rest will be cancelled for him, so technically whoever will get in the funnel first they are supposed to exaused task the most, later people will use less task. Please clear on this how it works.

I have webinar Reminder set for next 6 days.


Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Finally I got the result I wanted to. Thanks.
Now Time to Upgrade Pabbly, One Question... I got 500 Leads in a week for webinar, one lead is consuming almost 10 Task, I wan to understand how it works, in lay man understanding I see 1 lead 10 task consumed, 500 leads in a week - 5000 Task Consumed, correct? so I will need min 20k Task every month to run weekly weebinar. But let me little logical...
To get the logic on Task consumption you may refer to the following video tutorial here -


I have got question, before I ask I want to thank you for being a great great help to me...
Question#1 - I am using Number formatter formula this to get only 10 digits mobile number that is coming form my optin, how ever in optin 11 nunber cannot be accepted, still 91+10 digits are allowed, (on the hand by defalut option is adding +91,). let's say if some one is typing only 10 digits number and by default +91 is added so I am able to remove +91 Using the formula this Spreadsheet formula in pabbly nummber formatter
(RIGHT('webhook Mobile Number result',LEN('webhook Mobile Number result')-3), but if someone put 91+10 digits then it becomes +91+91+10 digits, this formula removes first +91 and send the data in google sheet like 91+10 digits, however i want only 10 digits in this case Text Msgs are failed it only works on 10 digits number in workflow automation. Hope you understand what I mean. So is there any other fromulat that can work.


Below given ex of whne someone type 91+10digits, but optin already ad +91 so result comes like +91+91+10 digits, but formula only removes first +91 and keep second +91 in number hence Text Msg failed


  • +91+91 Mobile number.png
    +91+91 Mobile number.png
    70.2 KB · Views: 95
  • First +91 Removed.png
    First +91 Removed.png
    60.7 KB · Views: 79


Hey @zaheer1001

Regarding your concern, you can use the "Number formatted" action step to control the phone number in live execution to limit the number of digits.
