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WooCommerce To Convertkit & Zoom


I have created a workflow named 'WooCommerce To Convertkit & Zoom'. The user canceled the order still the user was added to Convertkit and the user was registered for the meeting on Zoom. Why did this happen? How to rectify this?



We have relied on your query to the ticket(226850), kindly check that out and let us know if that works for you.


I want to know how I can make it work the right way. When a user has canceled the payment, the automation should not work, right? We want people to pay for our services and then this automation should trigger. How to achieve that?


All the people who are on the checkout page, even before paying, are getting notifications that they're registered for the workshop. They're not completing the payment. A huge cart abandonment issue. Need to rectify this as soon as possible.
I am going to Convertkit and Zoom and manually unsubscribing and unregistering them which is a pain in the arse.



If you have selected multiple statuses type for the webhook URL, then you should have used a filter action step to avoid other triggering responses from WooCommerce.
