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Anyone have issue about Flowlu: Bug when add new task, create task nonstop (NEW EVENT CREATE TASK)

hi, I'm very happy & appreciate the Pabbly team has updated the integration with flowlu to create new tasks for specific projects

After I tested I found a bug, that pabbly continuously sends records to create new tasks, you can see the screenshot I attached

Action event: create new task


Thank you


Hey @salehfauzan

We looked into your account and it seems like the same data is coming from your "Qwary" itself and because of that, you are continuously getting the same task again. You can also check the same in the history section of your workflow.




Hey @salehfauzan

The data which you have mapped in your workflow doesn't matches with the data which is coming into your workflow from your Qwary account.

So, kindly check for the data which you have mapped is coming or not and then re-capture the webhook response if you have made some change in your Qwary from where the data is coming.
