Enrich your customer experience by adding coupons and offering them exclusive discounts.To add a coupon. Follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to the "Products" section and choose the specific product for which you'd like to apply a coupon.
2. Click on “Add Coupon”.
3. Enter the details of the coupon. You need to fill up all these details shown in the below image in order to create a new coupon
Coupon Name
Here you can enter the name of the coupon.
Coupon Code
Add a unique coupon code to identify the coupon.
Discount Type
Specify the discount as a flat discount or in percentage discount which you want to offer your customer.
Redemption Type
There are 3 types of redemptions available for coupons
1. One-time
Coupon will be applied only once for a single subscription
Coupons will be applicable as long as the subscription is active.
3.Limited number of times
Coupon will be applied for limited number of times.
Note: One-time and limited number of times redemption types do not work with PayPal and Razorpay payment gateways.
Associated Plans
Select a specific/All plans in which this coupon will apply to
This coupon will auto-apply an affiliate?
Select 'Yes' if you want to assign this coupon to an affiliate. Then for every customer who uses this coupon code, your affiliate will automatically be rewarded with their commission. This applies even when the customer never clicked on the affiliate link.
Valid Upto:
Till how long the coupon will be validated or can be used by your customers.
Apply Coupon
1. Apply coupon to the total amount
The coupon will be applied to the total amount including plan, setup fee, add-on amount etc.
2. Apply coupon on the subscription amount only
Apply coupon only on the subscription fee and not on the setup fee or other fees.
3. Apply coupon on addon amount only
Apply coupon only to the add-on fee and not to the subscription fee or other fees.
Maximum Redemption (Required)
Maximum number of times this coupon can be redeemed. Watch Coupon Redemption Video
After entering all the above details, click on save to create your coupon. Please refer the below screenshot.
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