I believe you are calling the following API of Bookeo
and I want the following to be exposed to all of the below if possible but the minimum field required is to capture the total amount and some indicator to mark that payment has already been received.
CustomField {
id (string, optional): The id of the field. It must match the id of an existing customer custom field, as returned by a call to GET /settings/customercustomfields When creating or updating a customer, either the id or the name property are required. If both are supplied, Bookeo will only consider the id property.,
name (string, optional): The name of the field. It must match the name of an existing customer custom field, as returned by a call to GET /settings/customercustomfields When creating or updating a customer, either the id or the name property are required. If both are supplied, Bookeo will only consider the id property.,
value (string): The value of the field. For checkbox-type options, possible values are "true" and "false" For choice fields, this is the name (i.e. plain text) of the chosen value, not the id
Money {
amount (string): The amount. It is expressed as a string type to avoid the risk of rounding issues with floating point arithmetic when used to handle decimal amounts. Ex.: "16.50",
currency (string): Currency code in ISO 4217 format. Ex.: "USD"
Price {
totalGross (Money): The total gross price, inclusive of taxes, with possible discounts applied. [read-only],
totalNet (Money): The total net price, excluding taxes, with possible discounts applied. [read-only],
totalTaxes (Money): The total amount of taxes included in the gross price [read-only],
totalPaid (Money): The total amount paid so far. [read-only],
taxes (Array[PriceTax]): A breakdown of all taxes paid. [read-only]
Payment {
id (string): [read-only],
creationTime (date-time): When this record was created [read-only],
receivedTime (date-time): When this payment was received,
reason (string): Reason for the payment. Shown to customer where appropriate. Ex. "Deposit", "Balance payment", "Additional fee", etc,
description (string, optional): Indicates what the payment was for (ex. "Booking 1234", "Prepaid package ABC", "Gift voucher XYZ") [read-only],
comment (string, optional): An optional comment tracked with the payment. Not shown to customers.,
amount (Money): The payment amount,
paymentMethod (string) = ['creditCard' or 'paypal' or 'bankTransfer' or 'cash' or 'checque' or 'debitCard' or 'existingCredit' or 'accountCredit' or 'moneyVoucher' or 'other'],
paymentMethodOther (string, optional): If paymentMethod is 'other', this field is required, and it specifies what other method was used,
agent (string, optional): Who registered this payment. If this field is not present, it means that the customer paid online on Bookeo's booking page [read-only],
customerId (string, optional): The id of customer associated with this payment [read-only],
gatewayName (string, optional): The name of the payment gateway that processed the payment (if it was processed by a payment gateway) [read-only],
transactionId (string, optional): The transaction number/id as provided by the payment gateway that processed the payment - if any [read-only]