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Subscription_activate webhook event is not sent


Vipin Mishra

Hello There!

We would like to inform you that when we are triggering the subscription activate Webhook event, we are getting Error:500 response code which means your server is not able to handle the Webhook. Hence, we request you to check it at your end.

If you need further support please reach out to us.

Vipin Mishra


Hello Vipin,

it is right that error 500 returns because we have to receive custom parameters that come from the checkout url.

The tests you are doing are working because events are coming to us correctly.

If you make a payment from one of our checkout pages (Checkout Test with redirect), we cannot see any "subscription_active" events sent on the webhook events page of the pabbly platform.

We have correctly received the event with the tests you have done.

Could you check it?


Vipin Mishra


Our concerned team is looking into the issue so we will update you with resolution ASAP.

Vipin Mishra

Vipin Mishra


We would like to inform you that you can catch the event notification for the events selected in Webhook triggered due to specific actions of customers in Webhook Events under Webhook tab in Settings. But in Webhook Events, you will be notified only for Successful events and not for the failed events. So you can use our another software named Pabbly Connect on which we maintain both successful as well as failed logs so you check both failed as well as successful events on the Pabbly Connect.

For checking into Pabbly Connect you have to create a Workflow on the Dashboard after that will get the URL which you can copy and paste into your Webhook URL field in PSB. So once an event will triggered then you will get the notification in Pabbly Connect after clicking on Capture or Re- Capture Response under the created workflow.
Also under the History tab you will get all the notification for the events triggered whether it will be successful or failed.

To get notified under Pabbly Connect you have to go through the following steps :

  • Go to your Account then select Pabbly Connect.


  • Create a Workflow under the Dashboard.

  • Choose the application which you want to Connect, in this case we will select Webhook.


  • Copy the URL given and paste this URL under Pabbly Subscription Billing in Webhook URL for getting notification.


  • Now if the event will be triggered, you will be notify once you will click on Capture Response.


  • You can also check the Details of notification of events triggered under History tab.


Through this Process we can be notified of any events triggered under PSB on Pabbly Connect.

Hope the above information helps you.

If you need further assistance please reach out to us.

Vipin Mishra