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Triggering an action on non-payment of Razorpay Subscription by a User

I intend to setup a paid Circle.so community, where members pay a recurring monthly fee to continue to be a member. How do I find out that a particular user hasn't paid their subscription for a particular month through Razorpay, so as to trigger the action to "Remove Member" from the community.

Thanks for the help!


Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @dhruvsinghal6

You can use the webhook by Pabbly trigger event to get the Payment Pending response from your Razorpay.


- Log in to Razorpay account and navigate to the "Webhooks" section available under Settings.
- Click on "Add New Webhook". Copy the above webhook URL and paste it into the Webhook URL field provided in the Razorpay account.
- Now select the "payment.pending" from the Active Events section, and then click on the "Create Webhook" button to save it.
- Click on the below "Capture Webhook Response" button and do a test record so that the webhook response can be captured here.

Further, you can follow the below-mentioned action step to remove the member from the Circle. And after the Search member action step, you can set the filter action step-




I'm new here and testing things out. I have created a test flow and that seems to work. What I really want to do it be able to offer my members of a Circle Community on Circle.so the ability to self-select tags to be applied to their profile. Can you suggest how to do that using Pabbly? I can create a post that includes a form from them to select the tags they want to apply, but which form? And is there any other way to do this?


Well-known member
Staff member
To add the tags, you can use the "Circle: Tag a Member" action step dynamically you need to use the Lookup Table action step where you need to pass the Tag name and its ID in the action step to pass the tags dynamically.

You can also refer to the following video tutorial on the action step.
