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WhatsApp Cloud API error (#100) Invalid parameter


I am getting an error while sending the whatsapp messages through WhatsApp Cloud API;

Complaint Registration - WhatsApp to Customer and Employee

Step Name: WhatsApp Cloud API > Send Template Message
Connection Name: WhatsApp Cloud API #02
Task Error Detail:

Error Message(#100) Invalid parameter
Error TypeOAuthException
Error Code100
Error Error Data Messaging Productwhatsapp
Error Error Data DetailsParameter Invalid
Error Fbtrace IdAKnP_bENZbUJKiiHpD6RDb0

Tried reconnecting the action step again, I am receiving the whatsapp message when "save and send test request" is done. Then from the googlesheet when i m trying to send it manually through "Send Custom Data" to check whether I receive the message, but again getting the same error.

I have another workflow in that I have the same whatsapp authorisation but that workflow is executed without any error. Messages were sent. But messages are not being sent form this workflow.


  • Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 13.09.13.png
    Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 13.09.13.png
    198.2 KB · Views: 90


Staff member
Hey @Gaurav!

We have reviewed your workflow and its history, and identified that in the history, the "Mobile Number" field is appearing as empty. As a result of which, the mobile number is being passed as blank, giving an error in the WhatsApp Cloud API action step.

Please ensure that the key you mapped in the workflow steps is same and not empty.
