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issue with update invoice status in Wave accounting


I am trying to create a workflow where when a successful Stripe payment is made it automatically updates its associated Wave invoice status to "paid".

Upon getting the "Wave update invoice action" created I'm getting errors regarding invalid invoice status:

Variable "$input" got invalid value "PAID" at "input.status"; Value "PAID" does not exist in "InvoiceCreateStatus" enum.

looking at the Stripe documentation it appears that the only valid values for "InvoiceCreateStatus" are "draft" and "saved"


The options for other invoice statuses is present in the wave action:


it seems like maybe InvoiceCreateStatus is not the correct object? invoicestatus, meanwhile, does have the full list of statuses?

Any advise is welcome.

Thank you!


Staff member
Please allow us some time to look into your concern. We will get back to you with an update soon.


Staff member
Our technical team has contacted Wave regarding this issue. I will get back to you once we receive any updates on this.


Staff member
We are yet to receive an update from Wave. We will get back to you as soon as we receive an update.


Staff member
We have tried to contact Wave's team through email but haven't received any response from their end. We suggest that you also try to contact their team from your end regarding this concern.


Well-known member
Staff member
We're actively in contact with their team to fix this issue. Once we receive an update from them, we'll move quickly to get it resolved as soon as possible.
No, it never got fixed.

I was advised to contact Wave myself to try and get them to help but as i am an not a paying account holder with wave there is no way for me to contact them for support.

I made a workaround where pabbly updates the old invoice number to "###-unpaid" and creates a new invoice with same details and invoice number "###-paid" with the correct status. I periodically filter invoices in wave and clear out all unpaid invoices. Admittedly its a poor workaround but this is the best i could figure out considering the limitations with deleting invoices or updating statuses.


Well-known member
Staff member
We're actively communicating with the Wave API team to ensure a prompt response to your request. We're in regular contact with them, following up to make sure things progress smoothly. Rest assured, as soon as we receive a positive response from their team, we'll promptly update you.

However, @Petram PVC, if you can share the detailed workaround here would be really helpful.
This is one recent conversation between the Wave support team. They are not interested in making an update in the API because it goes against their business model. So, I see no hope, unfortunately. I may move to some other apps, like NinjaInvoice.
