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Not Able to fetch Phone Number From Woocommerce Abandoned Cart


I want to send whatsapp messages to abandoned carts in woocommerce
I followed the tutorial using the plugin WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery but it is not fetching the phone number

I have done the tests and On my checkout form I have entered my number and even verified it. Then why is the number not getting fetched?

On real orders via the woocommerce checkout form, the phone numbers are correctly stored.
But in abandoned carts , the number is not showing (even after verifying them)

Point to be noted: I use a phone number validation OTP plugin and the Woocommerce default Billing Phone field is merged with the OTP field.

Please help as without the number, the entire workflow is of no use.
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Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @robinhoodpandey

Kindly use the "Retrieve a Customer by Email" action step to get the phone number from the abandoned cart.


In your above message, the data is showing complete because it was sample/dummy data sent from the cart abandonment plugin
But when I am testing it myself by abandoning the cart, the fields are not showing up
This is what I am getting:


Well-known member
Staff member
Kindly check first whether the email address which you are passing exists in your WooCommerce account or not.
The email address which I have passed to Retrieve a Customer by Email" action step is retrieved from the abandoned cart correctly
However the email wont exist in woocommerce yet as the purchase was not completed.
You can see here
All details are being fetched except phone number

Screenshot 2023-07-19 201521.png

Also note: I contacted the phone number verification plugin developers and they informed me this:
May be this is the reason why the phone number is not getting passed?

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